Windows 10 screen black and white
Windows 10 screen black and white

windows 10 screen black and white

Now perhaps give it some time, let it load so you can do the next step properly. Altough you will not see it, your PC will be now at the desktop.

windows 10 screen black and white windows 10 screen black and white

So just pretend that you're on the login screen press enter, then enter your password (if you have one) and then press enter again. This was also happening to me and here is how I fixed it: When the black screen appears the login screen should originally appear but due to a bug with multiple monitors it does not. Now this problem is most likely happening because you have multiple monitors. Sadly this means you will have to use only one screen for a while, until this is resolved. If it now shows, press the same buttons again and put it on Primary screen only. Now try to somehow blindly navigate (with arrow keys I presume, I personally have no idea how I managed to do it) and press enter, experiment a bit untill your screen will show. Now press the windows button + P this should throw you to the multiple monitors setting. Hey guys I think I have found a solution:

Windows 10 screen black and white